Friday, August 26, 2016

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous medical condition in which breathing stops and starts during sleep. At the Wellesley, MA, dental office of Dr. Murad Padamsee, we have over 20 years of experience in providing our patients with sleep apnea and snoring solutions. We use the latest advances in dental technology, such as state-of-the-art 3D imaging and intraoral imaging.

Types of Sleep Apnea
There are three types of sleep apnea — obstructive, central, and complex. 

Obstructive sleep apnea: This is the most common type of sleep apnea; it occurs when throat muscles become relaxed during sleep and soft tissue blocks the airway.

Central sleep apnea: This condition occurs when the brain doesn’t send out the right signals to properly control breathing.

Complex sleep apnea: Some patients have complex sleep apnea, which is both of the above types at once. Complex sleep apnea is also called treatment-emergent central sleep apnea.

Characteristics of Sleep Apnea
One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is snoring. Other symptoms include waking up multiple times a night with shortness of breath, morning headaches, daytime fatigue, and insomnia. If left untreated, sleep apnea can be harmful and even fatal.

There are a variety of sleep apnea risk factors to be aware of, including:
  • Advanced age
  • Being male
  • Larger neck circumference
  • Smoking
  • Use of alcohol or sedatives
  • Nasal congestion

Although children can have sleep apnea — with many of the same symptoms — it’s far less common than in adults. Childhood obesity is one risk factor that may raise a child’s sleep apnea risk.

Treatment Options
There are a variety of treatment options available for sufferers of sleep apnea. CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a common treatment method. For some patients, oral appliances are a better option. The oral appliances we use offer superior mobility and are far less invasive than the CPAP route. The first step is a thorough evaluation and exam, including an analysis of your dental and medical history. From there, a personalized treatment plan will be created to suit your needs.

Schedule Your Appointment
If you suspect sleep apnea, schedule your appointment with Dr. Padamsee in our bright and modern Wellesley, MA, dental office. Give us a call or reach out through our appointment request form — we look forward to serving you! 

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